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Sikaflex Pro 3 600ml (20er Pack)

Sikaflex PRO-3 is a one part, moisture curing, elastic joint sealant with high mechanical resistance for flooring. For indoor and outdoor applications.






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5.49 6.64 inkl. MwSt.


7.49 9.06 inkl. MwSt.

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Sikaflex Pro 3

Einer unserer meistverkauften Spezialdichtstoffe Sikaflex Pro 3 ist ein einkomponentiger, zäher, gefärbter, elastischer Polyurethan-Fugendichtstoff zum Abdichten vieler Arten von Fugenkonfigurationen in Fußböden und Tiefbaukonstruktionen. Es bietet eine wasserdichte Abdichtung mit guten mechanischen Eigenschaften, ist chemikalienbeständig und bleibt in einem breiten Temperaturbereich elastisch.

Sikaflex Pro 3 Verwendungszwecke

Horizontale und vertikale Fugenabdichtungen im Innen- und Außenbereich:

  • Lebensmittelindustrie
  • Reinräume
  • Kläranlagen
  • Tunnel

Abdichtung von horizontalen und vertikalen Fugen für:

  • Fußböden
  • Fußgängerzonen und Verkehrsflächen
  • Parkhäuser und Parkdecks
  • Lager- und Produktionsflächen

Sikaflex Pro 3 Eigenschaften / Vorteile

  • Bewegungsvermögen ±35 %
  • Gute mechanische und chemische Beständigkeit
  • Blasenfreie Aushärtung
  • Übermalbar
  • Gute Haftung auf definierten Baumaterialien
  • Sehr niedrige Emissionen

Sika Sikaflex Pro 3 ist beständig gegen Wasser, Seewasser, verdünnte Alkalien, Zementschlämme und wasserdispergierte Reinigungsmittel, Diesel und Kerosin nach den Richtlinien des DIBt. Sika Sikaflex Pro 3 ist nicht beständig gegen Alkohole, organische Säuren, konzentrierte Laugen und konzentrierte Säuren und andere Kohlenwasserstoffe.

Sika Sikaflex Pro 3 ist ab dem Produktionsdatum 15 Monate haltbar, wenn es in einer unbeschädigten, original verschlossenen Verpackung gelagert wird und die Lagerbedingungen eingehalten werden.

Sika Sikaflex Pro 3 ist trocken, vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt und bei Temperaturen zwischen +5 °C und +25 °C zu lagern.

Sehen Sie sich unser komplettes und umfassendes Sika-Produktsortiment an

Sikaflex Pro 3 Technical Information


A multi purpose floor joint sealant suitable for

  • Movement and connection joints in floors
  • Indoor and out door applications for pedestrian and traffic areas (e.g.parking
  • decks, car parks)
  • In warehouses and production areas
  • On surfaces such as in the food industry
  • In ceramic tiles such as in public buildings etc.
  • Joints in waste water and sewage treatment plants
  • Floor joints in tunnel construction
  • Application in clean rooms

Sikaflex Pro 3 Characteristics and Advantages

  • Movement capability 25%
  • Bubble-free curing
  • Very good application properties
  • Good mechanical and chemical resistance
  • Very good adhesion to most construction materials

Specific Approvals/Standards

  • Conforms to EN15651-4 class 25 HM for interior & exterior and cold climate areas
  • Conforms to ISO 11600 F 25 HM
  • Tested according principals of DIBT for Waste Water Exposure
  • EMICODE EC1 PLUS R, very low emission
  • ISEGA Certificate for foodstuff area usage.
  • This product has been tested to meet the requirements of Regulation 31 (4)(b) of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 and that the Secretary of State is satisfied that this product either alone or in combination with any other substance or product in the water is unlikely to affect adversely the quality of the water supplied. A copy of this test report is available on request.
  • CSM TVOC tested (ISO-6.8)
  • CSM biological resistant : very good
  • Resistance against Diesel and Jet Fuel according to the DIBT guidelines

Specific Characteristics

  • Solvent free
  • Odourless
  • Recyclable aluminium packaging (600 ml sausages and 300 ml cartridges)

Substrate Preparation / Priming

Clean and dry, homogeneous, free from oils and grease, dust and loose or friable particles. Cement laitance must be removed.

It has a generally strong adhesive property to most clean, sound substrates.

For optimum adhesion and critical, high performance applications such as multi story building work, for high stress bonding joints or in case of extreme weather exposure substrate primers and cleaners must be used. If in doubt apply product in test area first.

Non porous substrates: Glazed tiles, powder coated metals, aluminium, anodised aluminium, stainless steel and galvanised steel have to be cleaned with a fine abrasive pad and Sika Aktivator-205 by using a clean towel or cloth. Before sealing allow a flash off time of at least 15 min.

All other metal surfaces not mentioned above have to be cleaned with a fine abrasive pad and Sika Aktivator-205 by using a clean towel or cloth. After a flash off time of at least 15 minutes, apply Sika Primer-3N by using a brush. Before sealing allow a flash off time of at least 30 minutes (max. 8 hours).

For PVC use Sika Primer-215. Before sealing allow a flash off time of at least 30 minutes (max. 8 hours).

Porous substrates: Concrete, aerated concrete and cementitious renders, mortars, brick, etc. have to be primed with Sika Primer-3N by using a brush.

Before sealing allow a flash off time of at least 30 minutes (max. 8 hours).

Important note: Primers are only adhesion promoters. They neither substitute for the correct cleaning of the surface nor improve their strength significantly.

Primers improve long term performance of a sealed joint. For further information please refer to the Sika Primer table.

Substrate Temperature

+5°C min. / +40°C max.

Ambient Temperature

+5°C min. / +40°C max.

Dew Point

Substrate temperature must be 3°C above dew point.

Application Method/ Tools

Supplied ready to use.

After suitable joint and substrate preparation, insert Backing Rod to required depth and apply primer if necessary. Insert cartridge into sealant gun and firmly extrude in to joint making sure that it is full contact with the side of the joint. Fill the joint, avoiding air entrapment. It must be tooled firmly against joint sides to ensure good adhesion.

Masking tape must be used where sharp exact joint lines or exceptionally neat lines are required. Remove the tape whilst the sealant is still soft. Sleek joint with smoothing liquid for a perfect sealant surface.

Tool Cleaning

Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika Remover-208 / Thinner C immediately after use. Hardened (cured) material can only be removed mechanically





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